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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Top 10 Mistakes Most Drivers Make

Many people you speak to will consider themselves an excellent driver if they never speed, never drive drunk or tired, and always keep their car insurance updated. However, many accidents are caused by simple, everyday occurrences... things that some of us do every time we hop in the car. Today we look at the top 10 most common, and insidious, driving errors.
1. Swerving/drifting
The underlying cause for the drift can be varied - misjudgement due to alcohol, distraction, or simple inexperience. Whatever the actual cause is, if swerving or drifting is it's symptom, you're likely to be making a car insurance claim.
2. Overcorrecting
Panicking at a near miss and overcorrecting often causes far worse crashes than the original would have been. A great way to train yourself out of this panic is to take a defensive driving course.
3. Getting angry
The traffic situation that prompted your anger might not have been your fault. But you will be the one to wear the consequences if you get angry... get distracted... and then crash into another car.
4. Misunderstanding/forgetting give way rules
You could also add 'blatantly flouting give way rules' to this point. The give way system is the single most important thing keeping order on (and chaos off) our roads. Make sure you are up to date with the give way rules, and stick to them stringently.
5. Travelling too fast for road conditions (even if not speeding)
Travelling faster or slower than the average speed of the traffic is a major cause of road traffic accidents and car insurance claims. You don't have to be speeding to be driving too fast. Incidentally, you don't have to be speeding for the police to pull you over for driving too fast, as well.
6. Pushing buttons
This comes under the umbrella of distraction, which causes around 8 out of 10 road crashes.
7. Driving while upset
Driving often calms us when we're upset. However, being upset doesn't do any reciprocal favours for your driving ability. It's one of the major distractions, and around 80% of crashes involve a form of distraction.
8. Mixing up the brake pedal and accelerator
This happens most often when we are internally distracted - by emotions or thoughts. You'd hate to have to explain this to your car insurance company... just focusing on the road while driving can.
9. Taking risks
Gambling on the road doesn't always have negative consequences. But sometimes, the results are life-destroying. If you're in doubt about the safety of a manoeuvre, stopping and waiting is the safest strategy.
10. Not understanding skid control
About 15% of all accidents (depending on the region you live in) are caused by vehicles skidding. Skid control advice is usually oversimplified - just turning in the direction of the skid, braking and then correcting doesn't always help. A defensive driving course is your best bet, letting you practice as well as get the theory... and hopefully avoid unnecessary car insurance claims!
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